From little acorns grow mighty oaks…
We at Frampton Cotterell Parish Council are very pleased to say that our tree-planting event, as part of The Queen’s Canopy Project, proved to be a runaway success! We teamed up with Frampton Cotterell Scouts Group to plant over 0ne hundred and fifty trees at Centenary Field, on Saturday the 20th of November. This was planned to be a two-day event across the whole weekend, but thanks to the FANTASTIC turnout — not just from the Scouts, but also from local Youth Groups and keen residents! — we managed to get all of our trees planted on Saturday morning! Tree-mendous work!
We did have a slight delay in some of the trees being delivered; the Scouts will be planting a further one hundred trees once the additional saplings are delivered.
We would love to thank The Woodland Trust for supplying the saplings, Bamfield Tree Services for supplying the mulch, the Scouts for all of their hard work, and everyone who came along on Saturday morning!