Grants Received

Grants Received

Frampton Cotterell Parish Council: Grants Received.

Section 106 Funding from South Gloucestershire Council

Frampton Cotterell Parish Council received £78,047.82 from Section 106 Funding from South Gloucestershire Council.

South Gloucestershire Council logo

SUEZ Communities Fund 

Frampton Cotterell Parish Council received £47,300 from the Suez Communities Fund.

Communities Fund Suez logo

Member Award Funding

Frampton Cotterell Parish Council received £500 from South Gloucestershire Council’s Member Award Funding.

South Gloucestershire Council logo

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Parish Councils are entitled to receive Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which is a charge that can be levied on new developments in in/around the Parish. The CIL monies are used to support community infrastructure.

CIL Report 2017-18 

CIL Report-2018-19

South Gloucestershire Council logo


National Lottery Awards For All

£1790 received to fund the Parish Council inclusive bat project. This included bat detecting equipment and BSL interpreters. 
Image of Community Fund Logo from the National Lottery  with cartoon hand with fingers crossed