Frampton Cotterell Parish Council. We need JARS for Christmas Children's Crafts. The text is written over and in the shape of the silhouette of a christmas tree. The background is light coloured jars with christmassy things inside. To the left is a large jar with a cartoon candle inside.

We Need Jars for Christmas Children’s Crafts!

We want to do some fun Christmas Craft Activities for kids at this year’s Carols Around The Tree event – and we need empty jars!

If you have any old jars (e.g. jam jars), we’d love it if you could drop them into the Brockeridge Centre. Don’t worry too much about scrubbing them – we’ll run them through our dishwasher to get them sparkling!

Our opening hours are 9am – 2pm, Monday – Friday. If you have jars to donate but can’t pop in during these hours, send us a quick email at and we’ll get back to you.

Thank you for supporting wholesome community activities.