February 2024’s Practical Conservation / Nature Volunteering Session Details
Photos from January’s session
More Info
Come along to Centenary Field on Saturday the 24th of February for this month’s free practical conservation session!
This session we will be continuing our work building a dead-hedge around the new Centenary Field pond.
With the help of our fantastic volunteers (as well as our newest parish councillors, Tim Snaith and Jonathan Trollope), we managed to get a lot of work done during our last session in January, and the metal fencing has now been removed.
We still have plenty to do to get the pond ready to be filled later in the year, and to help make the area as friendly to local flora and fauna as possible. Please feel free to drop in for as long as you’d like to lend a hand!
Make sure to wear clothing appropriate for the weather and the work. Under 16s are welcome to come along with a guardian – and so are well-behaved dogs! Refreshments will be provided.
If you’d like to learn more about our free practical conservation sessions, please sign up to our Climate & Nature Volunteering Mailing list, or email our Nature Officer, Daisy, on nature@framptoncotterell-pc.gov.uk