A table full of entries into the hedgehog colouring competition.

Hedgehog Half Term Heroes – Autumn 2023

During the October half term, we hosted our second Hedgehog Heroes afternoon! 

The event, organised with the Frampton Cotterell Nature Group & Westerleigh Parish Council, included a tombola, crafts activities, and stalls about hedgehogs & hedgehog highways. We also ran a colouring competition and saw the return of our “Great Hedgehog Bake-Off” , complete with hedgehog-themed prizes for the winners!

30 attendees also received free goodie-bags with hedgehog feeding bowls, food, and an information pack. Donations at the event raised £196 for Hedgehog Rescue.

Take a look at our photo gallery, below!

The Big Hedgehog Map

If you’ve spotted a hedgehog, map their location on The Big Hedgehog Map! You can also record your hedgehog highway, and see how many hedgehogs have been spotted near you!

Photo Gallery