Frampton Cotterell Parish Council. Ridings Road Play Area: What's Next? photograph of ridings road play area on a sunny day overlaid with cartoon graphics of children at play.

Ridings Road Play Area – What’s Next?

Back in the autumn, Frampton Cotterell Parish Council issued a survey asking what improvements you would like to see made to the Ridings Road Play Area.

We had a good number of responses to this survey, and would like to thank everyone who took the time to share their views.

As a direct result of this feedback, we have been able to base our tender for the play area on the majority opinions of the parishioners who responded to the survey. We plan to make some great improvements at the Ridings Road Play Area in the future. Watch this space!

Our tender for the Ridings Road Play Area is now open.

Feedback from our parishioners helps us to make the changes you want. Thank you again to everyone who shared their thoughts, ideas, opinions and suggestions with us.