
Volunteers Cream Tea 2024

On April 20th, 2024, Frampton Cotterell Parish Council was proud to host our Volunteers “Thank You!” Cream Tea.  This annual event is our way of thanking the many volunteers who support not only the parish council, but our whole community. This year we sent out over 60 invitations to our amazing local volunteers – so we had to move the event to The Miner’s!

We also had some lovely stalls from the wonderful Frampton Cotterell Nature Group, and our local Hedgehog Heroes, sharing information on how we can all do our part to help local nature.

With delicious food, a friendly atmosphere, and truly excellent company, we are pleased to call this year’s “Thank You” Cream Tea a huge success!

As well as thanking the volunteers who attended as guests, we would also like to say a big thank you to the volunteers who so kindly helped support us on the day:

  • Julie O’Donoghue for kindly loaning us the use of the Miners club (Coalpit Heath village Hall) and for making us some delicious cakes to serve our guests.
  • Tesco supermarket for donating some of the food.
  • Hannah Tomlin, one of our lovely helpers who regularly supports our Tuesday “Coffee & Cake Mornings” and who kindly donated her time to support this event.
  • Shirley Wilcox for baking some fantastic cakes.
  • Emily Allan and Matt and Charlotte Webb for their generous support throughout the event.
  • Steve Bassett, our Maintenace Officer, for baking some seriously brilliant brownies.
  • Cllrs David Williams and Tim Snaith for their help with the washing up – there was a lot!

We would once again like to say a huge “thank you” to ALL the brilliant volunteers who do so much for our village.

Thank You!

Community Awards

During this event, we also announced the winners of our 2024 Frampton Cotterell Parish Council Community Awards! Watch this space for our upcoming “Winners Announcement” post…!