
National Hedgehog Day 2023

Today, February 2nd, is National Hedgehog Day!

Here at Frampton Cotterell Parish Council, we care a great deal about hedgehogs. That’s why we’ve partnered up with South Gloucestershire Council to become Hedgehog Heroes and help with their campaign to help save rural hedgehogs across the district!

Hedgehogs have been in severe decline over the past 20 years – it has reached such a critical point that the International Union for the Conservation of Nature has now placed hedgehogs on their Red List for vulnerability of extinction.

We need your help to save the hedgehogs!

South Gloucestershire Council and 15 town and parish councils (including us!) from across the district are aiming to hit a target of  3,000 “Hedgehog Highway Holes” being put in across the region. Hedgehog Highways are made up of small holes in fences which allow our small, spiky neighbours to traverse their feeding grounds unimpeded.

You can pledge to make a Hedgehog Hole in your garden over on the official Hedgehog Street website – and once you’ve got yours put in, you can mark it on the official Big Hedgehog Map!

Hedgehog Rescue Event

As part of our teaming up with South Glos Council, our Nature Officer, Daisy, headed out to a Hedgehog Rescue event with Yate Hedgehog Rescue along with South Gloucestershire Councillors and Yate’s town mayor!

Take a look at the photos from this great event, below.