Frampton Cotterell Parish Council. Coronation Plans. Survey Results. We Asked, You Answered, We listened!

Coronation Plans: We asked, you answered, we listened!

Following feedback from our King’s Coronation Celebration Survey, the parish council has decided not to go ahead with our plans to host a community picnic for the King’s Coronation. This decision is based entirely on the feedback we received from the parish.

Our King’s Coronation Survey was only completed by 0.57% of the community (41 total responses across the survey, social media comments, and all other avenues of feedback, out of a population of over 7,000). This low response rate suggests a lack of interest in attending a parish council run event for the coronation.

Furthermore, of those responses 22% said they were “not interested” in attending a coronation event, and another 22%% responded “maybe”. Overall only 24 parishioners said they would definitely be interested in attending our proposed Coronation Community Picnic event.

In addition to the lack of interest from the parish, we were unable to gather enough volunteers to help us run any events. Without confirmed volunteers, it is difficult for us to plan for and run community events.

Therefore, due to lack of interest and a lack of volunteers, we will not be hosting a community picnic. Thank you for helping guide our decision-making process and helping us keep our focus directed on what the community really wants!

The parish council would still like to contribute to local coronation celebrations, and so we have decided to offer grants to local non-profit groups and charities who are running events for the King’s Coronation! If you would like to apply for one of these grants, please visit our Community Grants page.