Frampton Cotterell Parish Council Scarecrow Trail Theme Vote

Frampton Cotterell Scarecrow Trail 2024 – Theme Vote!

Choose this year’s Scarecrow Trail theme!

Frampton Cotterell’s popular Scarecrow Trail takes place every autumn. The trail is always a fun community event, thanks to all of our wonderful parishioners who take part, either by making scarecrows or by walking the trail and voting for their favourites!

Each year, the Scarecrow Trail has a different trail theme. Past scarecrow themes have included “Sport With A Ball”. “Save Our Planet”, and “Book Characters”. We want you to vote for this year’s theme!

2024 Shortlist

We won’t keep you waiting any longer… here are this year’s six themes for you to choose from:
  • Rock & Pop Legends
  • History
  • Marvellous Minibeasts
  • Around The World
  • Fairytales
  • Camping
The theme with the most votes by September will be this year’s winner.

Are you as excited as we are!? Then go and cast your Scarecrow Trail Theme Vote!

The 2024 Scarecrow Trail Theme Vote will close at midnight on the 31st of August, 2024. Make sure to vote before then!

If you prefer not to use google forms, you are welcome to email your vote to

Questions? Contact Us!