TITLE: Frampton Cotterell Tree Health & Safety Works Contract
DEADLINE: 19th January 2022
LOCATION: Frampton Cotterell (various sites).
DESCRIPTION: This contract is open for quotation to undertake health & safety tree works. Priority 2 works to be carried out in year 1, priority 3 in year 2 and priority 4 on or before year 3. Works to be carried out outside of the bird nesting season (1st March – 31st August). If health and safety means works need to take place in bird nesting season, the Parish Council Nesting Bird Policy must be followed. This contract is for tree management at the following Council owned sites in Frampton Cotterell:
- The Park, School Road, BS362DA.
- Mill Lane Allotments, BS36 2AB.
- Jubilee Allotments, Church Road, BS36 2.
- Beesmoor Road Playing Fields, BS36 2JN.
- The Brockeridge Centre, Woodend Road, BS36 2LQ.
- Ridings Road Play Area, BS36 2RX.
The tree survey recommendations focused on ash dieback and controlling this disease,
but also includes reducing canopy heights, removing deadwood, removing low hanging
branches and reinspection works. The plan requests to remove deadwood, but some small deadwood piles and standing deadwood where safe to do so may be left. Standing deadwood to be monolithed at 4-6m. To discuss with Nature Officer.
Tree Health And Safety Specification
2021 Nesting Bird Policy and Inspection Sheet
Please return quotations or any questions to Daisy Finniear (Nature Officer) on nature@framptoncotterell-pc.gov.uk. Please provide yearly quotes i.e year 1 (priority 2) cost , year 2 (priority 3) cost, and year 3 (priority 4) cost. Please include liability insurance evidence with submission, along with a copy of your health & safety policy.
We look forward to hearing from you!