
Thank You For Attending Our Annual Parish Meeting!

A big thank you to everyone that attended Frampton Cotterell Parish Council’s Annual Parish Meeting on the 20th May. This was our first hybrid online/in person annual meeting and we had a great turn out of dedicated parishioners, group leaders and organisations.

The meetings was a successful gathering and we can’t wait for more of you to join us next year. The purpose of these annual meetings is to find out what the Council has been doing and to hear the achievements from everyone across the village. We had lovely reports from groups and organisations and the Council were thrilled to hear about all of your success stories, particularly during such an unprecedented year of COVID-19.

The Council passed on a special thanks for Floral Friends of Frampton and Village Action who tirelessly look after the strip of flowers on Woodend Road adjacent to Beesmoor Playing Fields. This is a beautiful asset to our village and does wonders for our pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. Thank you for making Frampton colourful and full of life.

The Parish Council gave praise to the dedication of volunteers during the pandemic. Groups have formed to help vulnerable citizens who were most impacted by COVID, ensuring everybody had someone they could turn to for help. Thank you all who have volunteered during this time, this is a true reflection of how lovely and caring the parishioners are across our village.

It was a joy to meet with you all and we look forward to hearing all about the achievements of the Council, community groups, parishioners and organisations next year.