An elephant hawk moth caterpillar has been spotted in the parish.
These chunky mini beasts can grow to be the size of your thumb! Their adult counterparts are just as impressive, growing into huge spectacular moths with a wingspan of up to 6cm.
Councillor Sue Walters, who spotted the caterpillar, said:
“I found this large caterpillar marching up my garden path today. It’s about 8 cms and quite fat with chunky legs and distinctive head markings like two eyes. It also has a ‘hook’ on its tail end which suggests it’s a hawk moth. The moths are huge. Over the last few weeks I’ve had something that felt bigger than a usual moth flying past me at night in the garden and I think that must be it. They mostly feed on rose bay willow herb so will be trying to plant some in my wild garden.”
Read more about elephant hawk moth’s here.