
Road Closure

South Gloucestershire Council


SECTION 14 (2)

Notice is hereby given that the South Gloucestershire Council in pursuance of the provisions contained within the above Act will for a period of up to 12 Days only commencing on 21st September 2020  Until  2nd October 2020

prohibit *ANY  Vehicle

proceeding along  Rectory Road Frampton Cotterell from its junction with Beaufort Road to a point 75m to the Northwest outside of numbers 75 and 76

The above restriction is necessary because *works are being executed on or near the  Carriageway consequent upon which is the need to avoid danger to the Public and the operatives engaged upon the works and serious damage to the Carriageway.

The restriction will only apply as and when signs on site dictate


The Alternative Route for Vehicles is Beaufort Road, Church Road, School Road and Vice Versa

DATED  15/09/2020        SIGNED    Mark King

                                                                Head of Street Care

Broad Lane Offices

BS37 7PN                                            ( * applicants ref: if any)                         


Notes (these do not form part of the Notice, but are the Conditions for Closure to be complied with by the Applicant and/or his ‘Contractor’ in whatever form)

The Applicant/Contractor is responsible for :-

Set-up of min 2 ‘advice of closure’ signs as advance notice of the actual closure date:

(Short Diversion Route) P’r-ing by letter drop all residents, businesses, schools etc.

in the vicinity of the closure, and also in immediately adjacent streets that the closure will affect e.g. accesses off the closed road:

(Long Diversion Route) P’r ing by letter drop as above but, on the long diversion, only those businesses and schools etc. where many visitors/deliveries would be affected by the closure:

Organising permission with the Police/Traffic Warden for no-waiting cones (usually the Applicant must supply and set out):

Arranging with ‘bus Co. for temporarily resiting of any ‘bus stops affected:

ALL of the signing ‘on the day’ including closure signs, diversion signs (both directions!), advice that businesses are still open, with directions to, and prompt removal on completion of the works:

The normal rules about persons working in the Highway to be insured apply:

South Gloucestershire Council ( “Client” ) notifies all of the Emergency Services, Bus Operators, Councillors etc. etc. as listed in ‘Closure file.’