A Climate and Nature discussion meeting will be held on Zoom 6pm 7th September. Everyone is invited to attend.
The main aim for this meeting will be to discuss and fill out the South Glos Council Green Infrastructure Strategy Consultation. We want to form a joint response on behalf of the Climate and Nature Committee, so we want to hear from you!
In advance of the meeting, all residents are encouraged to read the strategy and fill out the consultations themselves. Not only will this help you familiarise yourself with what is and is not in the strategy, but will give you the opportunity to have your say on the future of of South Glos.
For full details including the Zoom link, download the meeting agenda pack.
To read the Green Infrastructure Strategy Draft, head to South Glos Councils consultation page.
A report is also attached to the agenda requesting ideas of where to plant x5 large trees that we are seeking through grant funding. Contact Daisy if you have ideas for where to plant these trees! projectofficer@framptoncotterell-pc.gov.uk.