South Gloucestershire Mines Research Group. Wednesday 7th December 2022. "17th and 18th Century Mining in Kingswood "

Local Talk: “17th & 18th Century Mining in Kingswood”

On Wednesday the 7th of December, the South Gloucestershire Mining Group will be hosting a talk on 17th & 18th Century Mining in Kingswood and the Development of the Liberties, by Steve Grudgings.

Ticket price for non-members is £2. 7pm start at The Miners Institute, Coalpit Heath Village Hall, 214 Badminton Road, Coalpit Heath, BS36 2QB.

South Gloucestershire Mines Research Group. Wednesday 7th December 2022. "17th and 18th Century Mining in Kingswood - and the Development of the Liberties" by Steve Grudgings in the Miners Institute (aka Coalpit Heath Village Hall, 214 Badminton Road, Coalpit Heath, BS36 2QB). At 7:00pm for 7:30pm PROMPT start (note this is half an hour earlier than usual). Non members welcome - £2 each. Membership is £17.50 per year, includes talks and newsletters.