Connecting Communities is a project funded by the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) as part of its Ageing Well programme. The project aims to improve the wellbeing of older people across BNSSG, through activities that enable sharing and mutual support. The activities are based on successful models funded by the Bristol Ageing Better programme from 2015-2020.
Connecting Communities is committing £60,000 to support local activities that harness the skills, interests, spaces, and spirit of a community and use them to meet the needs of older people.
For more information, take a look at the Connecting Communities Small Grants Fund: Information for Applicants, or email or give them a call on 07519 745 927.
To fill out an application, please download a copy of the Connecting Communities Small Grants Fund Application Form.
The deadline for submitting applications is the 14th of March, 2022.