Frampton Cotterell Parish Council have installed a new Water Refill Fountain at Centenary Field. The new fountain is located near the Mill Lane entrance.
Take a look at our photos of the install process, below, and the finished job! The plumbing work is being carried out by Harrison from HGM Plumbing with help from our Maintenance Officer, Steve. Great work Harrison and Steve!
We’ve also scattered wildflower seeds in the earth around the fountain which was disturbed during installation. Come springtime, we should hopefully see a burst of beautiful blossoming wildflowers all around the refill station!
This will be our third refill station in the village, as part of our Refill Frampton Cotterell Scheme. We want to help our parishioners reduce harmful single use plastics – you can bring a reusable bottle on your walks and fill up at our refill stations for free. Where else would you like to see water fountains in the village? Let us know!
To see all nearby Refill locations, download the Refill app.
Have you used any of our other Refill Fountains?