From the Frampton Cotterell and District Local History Society:
Our nation will mark the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe ( VE Day) on Friday 8 May 2020 , to pay tribute to those who served in one of the most significant periods in our country’s history.
Frampton Cotterell and District Local History Society are asking local people to kindly share any stories to tell about their own, or their parents and grandparents, experiences of living here in those war years. We would appreciate copies of photos of memorabilia , artefacts, the people , medals , diaries etc. Our focus will be on the parishes of Frampton Cotterell and Coalpit Heath.
The history society intend to put together a small V E display which will be on view at the Brockeridge Centre during May 2020.
All of the material will be collated into a folder and stored with our archives. If possible it would also be an amazing opportunity for us to interview local people and hear their personal testimony, perhaps even to record their voices.
If anyone has any information can they please contact the
secretary_fcdlhs@yahoo.com ( underscore line between y and f)