

Frampton Cotterell Parish Council. Committeees.

Frampton Cotterell Parish Council Committees

An overview of the various committees of Frampton Cotterell Parish Council, the areas they oversee, and their members.

Our committees are:

Finance & Governance
Climate & Nature
Parks & Recreation
Youth Services

For more information on membership of these committees and their purview, please see their relevant sections, below.

Finance & Governance

Finance and Governance Committee

Terms of Reference – Finance & Governance

This committee oversees all financial aspects of the Council and ensures good governance is followed.  The committee has delegated power to decide on grant applications, investments, and contracts to ensure that everything meets the budget set by Full Council.

Membership of the Committee 

Cllr David Williams (Chair)
Cllr Linda Williams
Cllr Tristan Clark

Substitute Members

Cllr David Goodwin

Climate and Nature Committee 

Climate & Nature Committee Terms of Reference

The Climate & Nature Committee was created in 2021 with the aim to protect and enhance nature and the environment across Frampton Cotterell and beyond. The committee has created a 3-year Local Climate & Nature Action Plan to fulfil this aim and guide projects. The committee meets every other month in person, and informally every other month online (informal) to discuss ideas. All welcome to get involved!

For more information on the Climate & Nature Committee,  head to the Climate & Nature page.

Membership of the Committee

TBD                          (Chair)
Cllr Alan Lankester
Cllr Linda Williams
Cllr Tristan Clark
Cllr Pat Hockey
Cllr Dave Hockey
Cllr Morgan Bolton

Substitute Members 


Non-Voting members

Floral Friends of Frampton
Village Action Group
Frampton Nature Group

Parks and Recreation Committee 

Terms of Reference- Parks and Recreation

This Committee oversees all green spaces owned by the Council and is committed to providing the parish with a variety of facilities to suit everyone.  The committee has several Working Groups, working on projects and if you would be interested in joining any of them please contact the Projects Officer on For more information on the Parks & Recreation Committee, and the projects currently underway, please see the Parks & Recreation Committee page.

Membership of the Committee  

Cllr Tristan Clark (Vice Chair)
Cllr David Williams
Cllr Linda Williams
Cllr Alan Lankester
Cllr Morgan Bolton
Cllr Jonathan Trollope

Substitute Member   


Planning Committee

Terms of Reference – Planning Committee

This committee has delegated power to provide the Unitary Authority (South Gloucestershire Council) with feedback on planning applications submitted for comment.  If you wish to attend a particular meeting please contact the Clerk on 

For more information on the Planning Committee, please see the Planning Committee Page.

Membership of the Committee               

Cllr Tristan Clark (Chair)
Cllr Alan Lankester
Cllr David Williams

Substitute Members    

Cllr David Goodwin

Youth Services Committee

Terms of Reference – Youth Services Committee

This committee oversees the contacts in place to provide the parish with a variation of activities, and is committed to fostering good relationships with the youth of Frampton Cotterell.

Membership of the Committee                     

Cllr Tristan Clark (Chair)
Cllr David Goodwin (Vice-Chair)
Cllr David Williams

Substitute Members

Cllr Linda Williams

Staffing Committee

Terms of Reference – Staffing Committee

This committee has delegated power to deal with matters pertaining to the employment of Frampton Cotterell Parish Council Staff.  Often, due to the confidentiality and nature of the committee, the press and public may be excluded.

Membership of the Committee     

Cllr David Williams (Chair)
Cllr Linda Williams (Vice Chair)
Cllr Dave Hockey
Cllr Pat Hockey