Take part in the Frampton Cotterell BioBlitz 29th April – 2nd May!
Part of the worldwide City Nature Challenge, where everyone can go out to record as many plants and animals as possible.
Download the iNaturalist app to I.D plants and animals and officially record sightings. Sightings will be verified when recorded over this weekend in the app. Record anywhere in Frampton Cotterell, even in your own garden!
As well as recording species across the village, you can also come along to a FREE guided session on 30th April starting from Centenary Fields (Mill Lane):
- Dawn Chorus walk: 5am-6:30am
- iNaturalist workshop, hedgehog info and crafts: 10am – 4pm
- Severn Wildlife Rescue – raffle and info 10-4
- Bird walk: 10am-11am
- Tree walk: 11am-12pm
- Butterfly walk: 1pm-2pm
- Wildflower walk: 2pm-3pm
- Bug hunt: 3pm-4pm
- Mammal tracking: 4pm-5pm
- Bat walk: 8pm-9:30pm
NOTE walk times may change, keep an eye out for updates or check at base camp at Centenary Fields (Mill Lane, BS36) on the day.
Visit www.citynaturechallenge.org for more info on City Nature Challenge. YOU can help Bristol and surrounding areas be crowned top for number of species recorded during the BioBlitz!
This event is being organised by Frampton Nature Group and Frampton Cotterell Parish Council. Contacts: David on framptoncotterellnature@gmail.com or Daisy nature@framptoncotterell-pc.gov.uk /01454 64442