On Saturday April 30th, as part of the weekend long “Bioblitz” event (as created by the City and Nature Challenge), Frampton Cotterell Parish Council & Frampton Nature Group hosted an all-day Bioblitz Nature Event at Centenary Field.
Together we organised a day full of activities and events, beginning with a Dawn Chorus Walk at 5am and ending with a Bat Walk at 10pm. Throughout the day we had plenty of craft tables, guided walks, educational talks, and tonnes of group bioblitzing sessions. We also welcomed stalls and sessions from Severn Wildlife Rescue, City and Nature Challenge, and Hedgehog Awareness.
We would like to thank Frampton Cotterell Nature Group as a whole and David in particular for their huge role in devising and organising this event; Severn Wildlife Rescue for attending and hosting their raffle; Alan for the Bug Hunt; Peter, Mike, Joe, Julie, Sally, and Jeanette from Frampton Cotterell Nature for leading Frampton Cotterell Nature walks and activities; Ruth, Councillor Julian Selman, and Lesley for their help at base camp; the City & Nature Challenge Team who ran iNaturalist workshops; and our Climate & Nature Officer, Daisy, for her Herculean efforts in managing and overseeing this brilliant event.
And finally, we’d love to say a very big thank you to everyone who came along and took part! With your enthusiastic assistance, Frampton Cotterell helped the Bristol & Bath region make nearly 8,000 recordings of local flora and fauna via the iNaturalist app, covering over 1,290 different species of plants, birds, insects, and animals. Not only that, but your enthusiasm helped make our Bioblitz Event truly memorable.
Great work, Frampton Cotterell!