
Beesmoor Rd Play Area Redevelopment

The next phase of the play area redevelopment has begun (9/12/19), so part of the play area will be temporarily fenced off.

There should be minimal disruption over the next few weeks. This phase will include the new fencing, slide from the tower structure, a new rubbish bin and new gates.

The Touchwood team have been amazing working in the terrible weather this week. This phase should be completed by the end of next week.

We will keep you up to date on the progress.

Image of a section of the Beesmoor Road Play Area being redeveloped and adding bark to the ground.
Laying down bark at the Beesmoor Road Play Area
Image of redevelopment work showing wooden frame, concrete mixer and wheelbarrow.
Works being undertaken at the play area.

3 thoughts on “Beesmoor Rd Play Area Redevelopment

  1. The new swing & slide on the bark area are fantastic, thank you!
    I wondered whether there are any future plans to put bark over the
    rest of the play area, as the grassy area is just thick mud in the winter,
    making it unusable.

    1. Avatar for Council Administrator

      Council Administrator

      Hi Sophie, we are happy to hear you are enjoying the new play area!

      I have forwarded your comment over to the play area committee who should have an answer to this for you soon.

    2. Avatar for Council Administrator

      Council Administrator

      Thank you for your positive feedback on the new equipment. We know that parts of the play area are particularly muddy at the moment and we are investigating how we can make improvements. Bark is an expensive surface so it is unlikely we will be able to afford to put it across the grassy area, but it is an option.
      We hope the weather improves soon!
      Frampton Cotterell Playing Fields Management Committee

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